Friday, July 20, 2018



He was, of course, a piece of the sky.  His eyes
said so.  This is not fact; this is the other part
of knowing something, when there is no proof,
but neither is there any way toward disbelief.
Imagine lifting the lid from a jar and finding it
filled not with darkness but with light.  Bird was
like that.  Startling, elegant, alive.
                                                                                Mary Oliver

It’s not at all cautious this morning’s
fog.  And it really
does seem to crawl
like some Sandburg cat, those
little paws remember,
but this one’s long,
and on its haunches
stalking, or in some way
a cause of absolute
calm for being caught
in it, but in the way shock seems
calming when we’re in it,
some hurricane eye maybe,
and what’s just beside us is
blotted out
and what’s more awful is
just beyond
it, and hasn’t paused but has
arrived and, stoic as it is, and grim,

waits the fog out, tall as dignity.
(As an aside, and it’s the way
we are when we’re in it ourselves
and sounding our future out
without our loved one,
I was looking at the word Pilgrim
on the cover of a book I was supposed
to be using to sing out of at a funeral
of an old Quaker friend—it was called
“A Pilgrim’s Hymnal” and I wondered

if grim is short for pilgrim and if it was,
wasn’t that just
the way of it, and talking of which,
that’s what I was
before the service started, before
the visiting minister’s 
wife of some fifty plus
years (he’d later say that in the eulogy,
how he’d met George and his own future
wife in the same place)
led him to the chair behind the pulpit, his blind
eyes staring up the whole
time, unblinking it seemed,
but not grim—and maybe I’ve gone off
in another sort of fog, and now
you know if I’m not
sounding I get lost and the talk’s stopped
and thought becomes

cotton muffed and impossible.  Grim. 
But didn’t they, stop I mean,
those who wanted for
their own a home on the hill (even
while they took it away from the least
grim ones
who already lived
there) living up to their names
the way fog lives
up to itself: coming through
with its heavy demands on our attention
on land and on water,
and if we’re not attentive
enough it’s off the cliff
we go—because we are not birds
our bones are marrow, not pneumatic
like the gulls or owls or, here close
to me, the day following George
and his funeral, though I can only
hear them: the robins, feasting
on the worms the fog has called
up, because it’s heavy and wet
as the rain
expected later today, greeting,
the thickness of the fog making them
into little enough movers
in their own strange land they stop—take
the opportunity to sing
into it
to hear it all
come back to them
after striking the shoulders
of something solid, and some of it
moving along through
and beyond, on the molecules
of the not so cautious, always followed:
(what choice have we?) breath,
bones, fog.

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