Monday, January 29, 2018


south lubec


It’s dark but they say you are coming it’s dark but they say you're
already here
but lightly yet like my newborn who blinks out the bright light and touches
my face
with his fist because it’s all he knows curled up in the dark like he was
all those months
quiet sometimes while my body made a walking cradle until I lay me down
to sleep
and then his fist would rise up across my belly all the way across and it’s
the first time

we’ve ever seen him alive the mould of him moving through
every layer
of skin and blood and membrane and the ark of the sun was
moving through
the sky of my womb and he was in there and he was quiet
and other-
wise growing and the dark meant nothing was wrong even though
both of us
knew it would be a long time through once the snow started
to fall

lightly at first, a drop of white paint on a red canvas how it spread
and each arm of it was pointed and bolder more
at the tips
though the middle was where it was the strongest, where it was
the heaviest
where it gathered all it was and is and could be into the bowl of the
and waited as the lever was pulled back, back, back, and
let go

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