Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Of Family: Atonement

Of Family: Atonement

Once we were one
and now we are two
and the second has grown
and forgotten the first

                                David Whyte

We had, after all, climbed the same mountain,
hadn’t we?  and sometimes on the same path,
and resting and going on at the same pace.
Looking back I’m not even sure how we became
separated and continued to walk on our own
and sadly I can’t even say we missed each other
only maybe when we pass in a particular season
now we may look straight ahead and not recognize
each other, we may even look at our feet
if we do and rarely because there are so many
different ways to make it.  Or we may stop and share
a bottle of water, a brief story, all the while scanning
the sky for the imminent inclement weather.  We don’t

stay long and we don’t make much out of each other’s
leaving, indeed we simply walk away old strangers
at a train station say, waiting for our time to be
called.  Or maybe we are waiting like father’s
and daughters at the loading zone, bags in the belly
of the plane and the lights and the fuel and all the rest
checked for a safe and regular landing, never
discussing the time it will take to fly or land or to sit beside
other strangers making their way, how they’ll smile
or doze or look away or become the size of their seats
and be pleased at landing and be the first to disembark.

You and me and all that shrubbery, all that rock we negotiate
alone walking and talking to ourselves and our all-but-ripping-
apart boots we walk and walk away in and not knowing if it’s
the family we left behind who don’t recognize us
or if it’s simply the altitude of the summit that’s left us
lightheaded and short of breath, that top we gained
again after breaking new ground, a new road where
there wasn’t one, passing no one this time, or if we did
not knowing it or hearing it, not seeing it and not feeling
it, or anything, but the weight of the pack, the chafe

of the straps, the first signs of a rainout against the face
of another peak in the range and getting closer
but who knows, not a stranger in these parts this time
of year, if it will make it this far or if another still
unborne wind will be rubbed like static and push itself north
and still north, or south, maybe south, it’s hard
to say being alone on the bald stone of the top waiting
for them to arrive like they promised they would.

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